General Motors Back in the Races
Yesterday, it was announced the recession has officially been over for a year – with four consecutive quarters of growth as the deciding factor. The recession also seems to be over for General Motors, a company hit hard during the economic crisis of the past years.
An article on Detroit Free Press announces GM’s return to political arena, citing donations given to candidates from both parties. The amount is meager compared to the last time a donation was made by GM’s political action committee, but is a strive forward nonetheless. In 2008, $710,008 was given for the elections – this year, $91,500 is being contributed. Greg Martin, a spokesperson for General Motors, says, “Emerging as a new company, we are participating in the political process,” said Greg Martin, a GM spokesman. “We will not sit on the sidelines while our competitors in other industries have their voices heard.” States benefitting from these donations include Maryland and Virginia.
Auto Shippers applauds the community and political effort made by General Motors, and looks forward to other companies being able to return to where they were before the nation’s economic crisis.